Rare Montana Madison Blue Agate aka Blue Chalcedony

Rare Montana Madison Blue Agate aka Blue Chalcedony

Montana Madison Blue Agate.                        a.k.a. Blue Chalcedony. 

Madison Blue Agate,  blue chalcedony

Known to be used by ancient civilizations of Egypt, Greece and Rome the modern day uses of the semi-precious gemstone are similar and vast. The stone is said to imbue it's holder with certain powers. (Simmons,  104-105)

Known as a "Speaker's Stone" Blue chalcedony is said to encourage reflection and meditation.  Its gentle radiance helps prepare one for action and at the same time helps us measure our words, holding back words we might regret. 

Also considered a nurturing stone, Madison Blue Agate absorbs negative energy and dissipates it before it can be passed on.  Promoting kinship and good will, opening the mind to new ideas, instilling feelings of benevolence and generosity. (Melody, 193)[Hall, 101-102]

Still today, Blue chalcedony is used as a sacred stone by Native American Indians to promote stability during their ceremonial activities and as a pathway for receiving successful thought transmissions.[Melody, 193].

Singers, lawyers, actors and many others in the orator field use this stone, helping them overcome fear of public speaking and enhance their speaking abilities. 

Also known as a stone to promote peace and peace making, it encourages stillness and calm,  a wonderful asset to have in any home!!

The beautiful blue hue of Madison Blue Agate is the color of faith and trust,  helping us become more cheerful and dependable. The light Blue crystals can also assist in dealing with grief,  letting go of the past, and softening guilt. 

Blue chalcedony honors Whope, the Lakota Sioux  Goddess of PEACE, harmony, meditation and friendship. 

Blue chalcedony has historically been the birthstone of May and the Zodiac stone of Gemini. 

The history of Blue chalcedony is very interesting, from being used by ancient seafarers to prevent drowning and protection to its imprint being used as a document legitimizing a contract. 

Blue chalcedony is a Seeker Transformer talisman. These crystals contain the energy structure that aligns the natural energy of the crystal to the natural power of the human mind to help find the way to new horizons and new capabilities.  They're known as pointers, directors, and compasses. Scientists, adventurers, folks who wander and explore are all people who seek out this beautiful semi-precious gemstone among others. 

Montana Treasure and More LLC has Montana Madison Blue Agate available in many forms for you to enjoy; bulk, tumbled, jewelry, key chains,  display specimens and more. 

Visit the site today to find that very special piece just for you!!! 



Please note that this is for informational purposes only.

This information is not a substitute for professional counseling or health care. Consult with a health care practitioner if you have any concerns regarding your health.

The crystal encyclopedia has a full expanded explanation of this semi-precious gemstone.

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